
Safeguarding Infrastructure: Our Expert Cathodic Protection Solution

  • Cathodic protection is a method used to prevent corrosion and extend the service life of pipelines. All metals corrode over time, but this protection extends pipeline lifespan. Even if your pipeline has already suffered corrosion, cathodic protection can help the pipeline last longer. By continuously monitoring the electrical current and adjusting as needed, cathodic protection helps to ensure the pipeline remains in good condition and operates safely for a longer timespan.

  • It works by applying a low-voltage electrical current to the pipeline, which makes the pipeline a cathode and prevents it from corroding. This process involves using sacrificial anodes made of materials like aluminum, magnesium, or zinc that are more reactive than the pipeline material. These anodes corrode instead of the pipeline, effectively sacrificing themselves to protect the pipeline from rust and deterioration. Designing a cathodic protection system takes into account the potential for stray current damage or interference, the total size of the system, the type of soil, and the material of the pipe and any coatings applied to it.

  • The engineering group provides NACE-certified cathodic protection specialists, technicians, and testers for all cathodic protection surveys and installations or rehabilitation. Cathodic surveys include CIS, ACVG, and DCVG. Johnson Creek Development’s corrosion control division has been established to work directly with our pipeline installation group to provide a turnkey system. We work with all relevant regulatory authorities to ensure that our projects are safe for workers and protective of the environment.